Posted: Sun May 3, 2020 9:16pm
It’s certainly a concern Matthew. Like all the others, I hope there will be no second wave - although history would suggest otherwise. Maybe the warmer weather now will help kill it off?
That aside, there’s also confusion over who and what can open. With limited opening of shops in Almería province, hairdressers are opening as from 4/5 - tomorrow - but it must be appointment only, full PPE etc etc. it was my (obviously incorrect) understanding that Monday was for essential services, in which hairdressers were included - but I see beauty salons and nail bars advertising that they are opening sooooooo ....?
The police on Saturday were out fining people who stayed out past their allotted time, so I wonder if they’ll start checking shops that are open as well?
Too soon, for my liking. We will reopen our shop on 8 June, when other retailers are permitted - or whenever Phase 3 kicks in.
Because if there is a spike in infections, progression through the phases will be slowed - or reversed.