I pose the question ' why are OAP's given priority.???
This is something I am struggling with, I have read the UK gov web site and the Spanish ones and the WHO, and they dont give an answer.
The question is, why are 70, 80 90 + people being given priority to receive the vaccine?
The only answer seems to be that they are the most venerable in our society. That may be so, but at the ripe old age of 70, 80 90 these people have had their lives, been to work, had kids, holidays, been educated, etc etc. In my opinion surly we should be protecting the younger population first (under 60's), children should be the priority they are our future, not someone of 90.
This was brought to mind this morning, when in the village I met a young mother that is beside herself, because she cannot get a vaccine for her 2 children, even if she pays, and to crown it all, the school in the village has turned off all the heating and opened all the window's (to blow the virus away) and the children have been told to bring in blankets so they can keep warm.
So what government official had this bright idea, us oldies might remember in the 50's.60's in the UK they had what was called an Open Air School, and anyone with Asthma, TB, Hayfever, anything with a respire infection was sent there, these schools only had 3 walls the 4th was open to the elements the children were taught in their coats, these useless schools were phased out in the 60's, when it was realised that they did more harm than good. Now it looks like Spain has gone back to the dark ages and expecting children to sit in cold classrooms with the windows open with the temperature outside at -1, yesterday.
Anyway I digress my question is, 'why are OPA's given priority', anyone have any thoughts.
BTW I am in my 70's and would happily give up my vaccine to a person under 60.