Legendary helpful member
I’m not suggesting that what I am about to post occurs here, but I’m trying to reach out to people ... just recently, I have been inundated with posts from people purporting to share "the real truth" behind Coronavirus, including the laughable "Ït's not a virus, it's the bodies reaction to 5G that is being deployed to control us" Oh please!
Now I'm no biochemist, epidemiologist, immunologist or indeed any other "ologist" that know's how these viruses work but surely no one in their even vaguely right mind engineers a virus for release; a virus by its very nature will mutate to better be able to deliver its “payload” whatever that may be. Therefore any vaccine you may develop to cure it quickly becomes useless as the virus mutates .... that’s why no-one has yet developed a vaccine for the common cold.
With regards the various conspiracy theories that abound as to it’s cause, a healthy dose of critical analysis shines a spotlight on them.
ALL conspiracy theories, real truths or whatever coalesce and distil down to one point: person (a) has the actual behind-the-scenes-truth on <insert shadowy organization of choice> (b)
Now, given that <insert shadowy organization of choice> is often held to be all seeing, all knowing and all powerful, with unlimited resources, the question arises that if person (a) actually does have the goods on <insert shadowy organization of choice> (b) .... how come person (a) is still breathing and making videos? Because they’re hidden? from an organization that is all-seeing, all knowing, all powerful, with unlimited resources and is probably therefore utterly ruthless?
Hmmm let me think on that a second. Nope. Not even slightly viable.
The answer? It is in the interests of <insert shadowy organization of choice> for all this “information”, this “truth” to be out there as it keeps the population off-balance and in a state of fear; people are encouraged to share these videos - spread the fear - because a fearful populace are easier to control.
Now here’s a thought though - just a thought - “Q” - Qanon, whatever, has arisen recently as being the only person or group of people to know “the whole truth” and to reveal it etc. etc.
Now what if “Q” is merely a creation of the very people or organization it purports to be trying to undermine? To feed false information, to destabilize the populace; to, like a good magician, misdirect the audience to look at the left hand, while the right is doing the dirty work? Just something to ponder.
This is not without precedent. False flag operations have been carried out by intelligence agencies for centuries, not just decades. The Cheka under Felix Dzerzhinsky mounted one of the most fabled false flag operations with “The Trust” which netted scores of counter revolutionaries in the early part of the 20th Century, but even way before that, the father of intelligence, Sir Francis Walsingham, was mounting false flag operations to bring down Mary Queen of Scots.
Conspiracy theories and false flag operations have been around since man first learned to form a coalition of people to govern another group. The modern age makes it easier to disseminate information but that works in favour of those who are apparently the targets, for if they are as powerful as they are made out, then the people releasing the information are either thoroughly penetrated and spreading disinformation or are created by these people to do the same.
The internet and viral spread of information is both a blessing and a curse in that information can be spread ... but as the late Terry Pratchett noted in his seminal works "a lie can spread around the world before the truth has even got its boots on." A quote from a work of fiction, yes, but in this age and to this question, oh so true!!
For me ... I believe absolutely nothing I get from viral videos purporting to be the “truth”. I use the evidence of my own 5 senses to ascertain what is real, and even then it can be a struggle!!
So I find comfort in a simpler life, turning to Paganism and the Wiccan beliefs, seeing myself as part of nature, and apart from the electronic howl of disinformation. This however is not everyone’s choice - of course not .
So the BEST way to control the rising panic you may feel with each new “revelation” of control or dastardly doings by <insert shadowy organization of choice> is to STOP …. DON’T Hit “FORWARD” or “SHARE” and spread this drivel; stop and ask yourself “Can I absolutely, positively for certain know that this is TRUE?” Invariably, the answer will be a resounding “NO”.
So, take mouse pointer AWAY from the “Share” button and instead hit the “delete” button, because by sharing and forwarding this rubbish, you are NOT enlightening anybody, you are NOT fighting a crusade; you are disseminating fear, untested and unprovable nonsense from people who just want others to feel the panic and fear they are. If <insert shadowy organization of choice> actually exists, you are not fighting against them. By spreading fear you are aiding them in their quest to control a fearful population.
DON’T be part of the problem and spread the fear. Think critically and instead, be part of the solution. Stop. Spreading. The. Fear.