Mandatory wearing of masks INDOORS in Spain scrapped - Coronavirus discussion in Vera: Covid-19 news and updates - Vera forum - Costa de Almería forum in the Almeria province of Spain
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Mandatory wearing of masks INDOORS in Spain scrapped

Posted: Wed Apr 6, 2022 4:23pm
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Some great news here; as of the 20th April, the obligation to wear masks indoors is scrapped.  Masks will only be obligatory in Nursing / Care homes or on Public Transport

see here for story


Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 2:25am


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Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 2:25am

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About time.


Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 8:58am


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Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 8:58am

Darrin69 wrote on Thu Apr 7, 2022 2:25am:

About time.

Moreno, Premier of Andalucia is making noises that he feels it is too soon, and that in Andalucia, masks will remain “for several months yet” but I’m tipping that will go the way of his mandate that masks were to be worn in restaurants while seated and only removed to take a sip of drink or bite of food - i.e. totally ignored.

That aside, if Madrid reverses the Royal Decree, I don’t believe Moreno has the power to unilaterally reinstate it in Andalucia - I believe that is outside the scope of the authority devolved to the autonomous communities


Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 9:54am


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Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 9:54am

I'm no expert in the workings of Spanish law and government getting Covid "downgraded" as in not wearing masks etc but I understand the Spanish government is meeting on 19th April on which it is expected wearing of masks will continue to be worn in all medical situations and all public transport. 

I believe the need for completing some kind of Passenger Locator Form will be discussed too. But, from rumours I hear this form in a simpler questionnaire will be around for quite some time. 

For the record:- Although regulations on wearing of facemasks indoors have been lifted, I continue to wear a mask. So do most people working in retail. However, there are uncaring shower of idiots who don't care about anybody else and they point blank refuse to wear masks anywhere.


Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 10:49am


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Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 10:49am

I choose to wear my mask for the time being, regardless of Government recomenations, or public opinion.


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Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 11:49am


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Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 11:49am

Matthew wrote on Thu Apr 7, 2022 9:54am:

I'm no expert in the workings of Spanish law and government getting Covid "downgraded" as in not wearing masks etc but I understand the Spanish government is meeting on 19th April on which it is expected wearing of masks will continue to be worn in all medical situations and all public transport....


I believe the need for completing some kind of Passenger Locator Form will be discussed too. But, from rumours I hear this form in a simpler questionnaire will be around for quite some time. 

For the record:- Although regulations on wearing of facemasks indoors have been lifted, I continue to wear a mask. So do most people working in retail. However, there are uncaring shower of idiots who don't care about anybody else and they point blank refuse to wear masks anywhere.

Oh dear Matthew, now I am agreeing with you!  In England infection is higher than it ever has been,yet few people wear masks, people say breezily 'oh , I don't bother about that' as they advance , unmasked to give you a hug.  Do they imagine one wears a mask for fun?   If you are sight- impaired people respect your white stick, I wish there was a sign to indicate that a person is immunocompromised, instead the only safe way is to stay at home always.


Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 12:39pm


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Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 12:39pm

Bess wrote on Thu Apr 7, 2022 11:49am:

Oh dear Matthew, now I am agreeing with you!  In England infection is higher than it ever has been,yet few people wear masks, people say breezily 'oh , I don't bother about that' as they advance , unmasked to give you a hug.  Do they imagine one wears a mask for fun?   If you are s...

...ight- impaired people respect your white stick, I wish there was a sign to indicate that a person is immunocompromised, instead the only safe way is to stay at home always.

Interesting post Bess and asks more questions than it answers, but nonetheless prying into minds that are either ignorant to the pandemic or worse again not caring. Even in Ireland we now have large groups of people (e.g. over 65's) who were never infected by Covid and now because they are "boostered" want infection like we deliberately got our children infected with measles. One group I met earlier informed me that one member of the family became infected and sucked on a spoon and the other family members deliberately sucked on the same uncleaned  spoon after.

I see people in retail stores wearing their masks all day long and for that alone they deserve respect and I am continuing to wear my mask indoors.

[Please note I have no medical back-up to confirm the above is good or bad; neither do I have proof that no wearing masks is not good for your health]

Ray 43

Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 12:58pm

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Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 12:58pm

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Scam means to cheat someone out of something, the only thing you and all the others that think like you ( people who don't like being told what to do) have been cheated out of is the choice to disagree with the vast majority of experts worldwide who say wearing them saves lives including people like you, ask yourself why nurses and doctors all wear masks in operating theatres ?? to stop airborne germs infecting the patient, covid is an airborne infection, think about it 


Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 1:22pm


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Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 1:22pm

Matthew wrote on Thu Apr 7, 2022 9:54am:

I'm no expert in the workings of Spanish law and government getting Covid "downgraded" as in not wearing masks etc but I understand the Spanish government is meeting on 19th April on which it is expected wearing of masks will continue to be worn in all medical situations and all public transport....


I believe the need for completing some kind of Passenger Locator Form will be discussed too. But, from rumours I hear this form in a simpler questionnaire will be around for quite some time. 

For the record:- Although regulations on wearing of facemasks indoors have been lifted, I continue to wear a mask. So do most people working in retail. However, there are uncaring shower of idiots who don't care about anybody else and they point blank refuse to wear masks anywhere.

This follows close on the heals of the Spanish Health Minister "downgrading" the response to Covid now.  The official position is that if you suspect you have symptoms, you do not need to self isolate or take a test, but "avoid contact where possible" and treat as if you would a mild cold or flu.  This applies to all under 60 or not high-risk / immunocompromised.

There is still a lot of argument, but the majority of experts believe it has finally mutated to being infectious but with very mild effects and no longer a threat to life.


Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 2:36pm


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Posted: Thu Apr 7, 2022 2:36pm

As someone who is very deaf i welcome the opportunity to see peoples mouths again.  It doesn't mean i want to hug them or kiss them but just to be able to decipher what they are saying.  All my studying of spanish has not done me much good if i cannot hear nor see what the spanish people are saying.  

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