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Petition to Revoke Article 50

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:48am
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THIS could be contentious ... but I believe my thoughts on the matter are well known, so I’ll post :-D. 

A petition to Revoke Article 50 and remain in EU has been raised.  Currently sitting at close to 400.000 signatures after only 2 days;  here’s the link Revoke Article 50

Sign if you are so minded, at least let’s get some idea to parliament of what is actually the feeling now that a chance to see what Brexit entails has been had, rather than what was the feeling close to three years ago


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 11:59am


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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 11:59am

This post that was quoted has been deleted.

Just come back up now


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 6:54pm


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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 6:54pm

My hats off to TM for her statement last night wherein she put the blame for this load of bollocks where it squarely belongs, at the feet of the tosspot mp's whove caused the UK in general and parliament in its entirety to become the complete laughing stock it is right now.

Boo hoo to the very same mp's who are up in arms about her statement, "how dare she" etc etc, 

The UK can flourish doing deals around the world with all and sundry and get out of paying £billions to the EU to get told what shape bananas and cucumbers etc are allowed to be bent, we can restore our fishing industry, restore all the quotas the EU banned like potatoes and other various crops, in short regain our independance and maybe get shot finally of that interfering arsehole Tony Blair, after all if we are free of the EU he wont have anything to interfere with, no matter what/which way he tries to sugar coat his supposed non intervention !!.

Why is it easier to arrange a 2cnd referendum than a general election ??? Mp's and civil servants running shit scared of the outcome which as the voting public's rhetoric begins to filter through their thick brains and the distinct possibility looms they'll soon afterwards become unemployed and unemplyable.

A second referendum could quite as easily backfire on the government including that midget with a big mouth and bigger ego Bercow given the british public are getting so utterly sick of everything and the 17.4 million voters becomes 34.8 !!, what would the tosspotters do then ??

Corbyn is a joke. Yvette Cooper likewise, how can she ignore some 70% of her constituents who voted out and have the complete and utter gall to continue to spout her own agenda ??

In this mornings mail there are a group of mp's coming out of Downing street having just caused untold damage to any deal, having met at chequers, threatened to resign etc etc, if all the mp's who went on record as saying they'd resign actually had done we'd be having elections till December let alobe the end of June which again is a kick in the teeth to all the people who voted leave. Parliament is a disgrace right now with all the backbiting and me me me, they should all hang their heads in shame.

Rant over, yes I live in Spain, yes I voted to leave.


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:08pm


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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:08pm

.... just then, a squadron of Spitfires flew over, leaving hot buttered crumpets in their wake .....


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:32pm


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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:32pm

Hi especially to Darius. 

My reply may be contentious too to others, but mine is different to the UK Politicians because mine is the truth.

There were two voting criteria on the referendum ballot paper;

Leave the European Union or Stay. 

There was NOT a third option "Leave after Negotiation that is suitable to the Uk".

Negotiation has been developed, constructed and promoted by the minority of " leavers " who were worried of the consequences of believing the "Lies" of Boris & Farage and the Battlebus  and realizing having done this the severe consequences that will befall after leaving Europe.

National companies are already deserting the Uk as are the Major World Banks.

London is no longer the Financial Capitol of the World.

Manufacturing is relocating abroad.

Personal debt is rocketing, crime is increasing, unemployment is increasing. 

Companies who rely on exporting are now fearful of staying in business after Brexit and so on.

Negotiation was NOT the Mandate from the British Public. 

It was NOT on the ballot paper.

The Majority Vote said LEAVE. 

LEAVE must happen. 

Negotiation was not considered or part of the two options the British Public Voted For.

Corbyn has enjoyed promoting the "Chaos Factor" because May tried to negotiate. Foolish of her - yes.

The UK are breaking their contract with the EU by demanding to leave. 

If you have an agreement with someone and they try to weadle out of it, you would understand how the EU feel.

They tolerated May they ordered Farage to go.

Can you imagine Corbyn trying to negotiate with the EU Officials?

Corbyn was deposed by his party in disgrace not so long ago. It was covered nationwide in the Press and TV.

Now Corbyn wants to be PM at any cost.

Labour handed over a bankrupt country at the hands of Brown the last time they were outed.

You know they will get back in next and do what they always do. 

Borrow, borrow and borrow to bankrupt the country once again.

I am so happy I now live in Spain.

Regards to all ex- pats.

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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:43pm


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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:43pm

WHY if you voted to leave the EU are you living in an EU country


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:52pm


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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:52pm

Hi, I actually took the time to vote from Spain to STAY.

It was proven had all the expats voted in Spain there would probably been a different outcome as I read in the press both in the UK and in Spain.

Many reasons. I am old enough to remember the negotiations that took a long time to complete when the UK eventually joined the Common Market and the benefits gained for industry and commerce.

Since time began there has always been the adage " there is strength in numbers".

The majority voters the Leavers did not take these simple factors into account.

The UK now wants to stand alone and ALONE they will be.

The USA and even China used the UK to gain easier access to Europe. That will go.

The UK will not be needed.

Salute Boris and Farage. They were so good.

Just glad I did not believe a word they were saying.

If another Referendum takes place, you and I both know the result.



Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 8:05pm


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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 8:05pm

Jacksie wrote on Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:43pm:

WHY if you voted to leave the EU are you living in an EU country

Jacksie, I quite agree. As the saying goes, there’s no accounting for stupidity. Although the rant that was crammed with so-called facts, as we saw in 2016, maybe does explain it. 

But I will say no more except that we Britons that live here will sadly be watching our loved ones back in the U.K. grapple with the harsh reality, whilst those of us reliant on a U.K. pension will see its value diminish each month.

Of course if the one-time land of milk and honey and buttered crumpets that we apparently came from goes from weakness to strength in the world economy no doubt many of those who came to live in Spain and backed Brexit will be scrambling to get back there ...



Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 8:08pm


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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 8:08pm

I’d like to see another referendum - I don’t hold with the “its undemocratic” point of view because that is somewhat illogical.  

Should the country at a second vote, knowing now the truth (or at least a representation of the truth ...) vote to leave again, wellllll .... then they get what they deserve.  It’s possible it would be an overwhelming STAY though.  The revoke A50 petition now at 1.3 million signatures and growing.  If nothing else, that has to show there are sufficient numbers of very pissed off people, prepared to actually take the time to sign the petition, that facing the cliff edge we now face, other options must be examined.

Rascalmate, I don’t dispute what you are saying about the two choices presented, but I feel certain that when many voted leave, “leave after negotiation and a favorable deal” was implicit - that’s what the two year period after triggering A50 was for, after all


Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 11:40am


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Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 11:40am

There are rumours in todays papers about votes, in and amongst the so called 3 million who say they want to stay coming from as far afield as Afghanistan !!

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