Hi everybody - Does anybody know if Mercadona, Consumer, Lidl … will be open at 26.12.2021?
Thanks a lot!
Yes they will, Spain does not recognise boxing day so it's just another normal day here.....
Peterlee4 wrote on Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:56am:
Yes they will, Spain does not recognise boxing day so it's just another normal day here.....
Thanks a lot!
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:39pm
Helpful member
Depends on which day Christmas day falls i would think, otherwise yes.
Lyn77 wrote on Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:39pm:
Depends on which day Christmas day falls i would think, otherwise yes.
Good point, Christmas day is on Saturday this year so shops will not be open on Sunday 26, many petrol stations sell the essentials s should that be enough to tide you over....
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Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 2:02pm
Helpful member
Stock up well on Christmas Eve but also bear in mind the Spanish have their main meal Christmas Eve night, so alot of shops will close early, check next time you are in the supermarket.
I know this forum has a reputation for helping people with answers to questions e.g. Will Supermarkets be open on 26th December? We've had several replies from people who jumped in and said something like:- Of course, the Spaniards don't do this or don't do that and obviously supermarkets will be open.
26th December 20 21 is Sunday and in Mojacar Playa this means most likely all supermarkets will be closed with the exception of Thomas' Supermarket across from the Stables. I thought it was only Irish people who give directions even though they themselves don't know the proper directions themselves. There must be more people with Irish Passports in Mojacar Playa than I first thought.
For the record all Spanish shops/businesses will close early on 24th December. What time will this happen? Answer:- Anytime they feel like.
25th December:- All Spanish shops/restaurants will close.
26th December:- Most likely all Spanish supermarkets will remain closed. Thomas' will open, but probably not for the whole day.
27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, December:- Spanish supermarkets will open but for a very limited time. There's a kind of Fools Day in there somewhere along with some local feast day(s). Use your head and don't leave shopping to the last minute. Christmas/NewYear ,evening of 5th January and all day 6th January are precious to Spaniards where they use the festive season as a special sort of family visitation and quality time. I'm only trying to help with the real information and anything could change at any time.
31st December which is New Year's Eve is that little bit more important to Spaniards too so don't take it for granted there will be a full day's normal shopping available..
1st January which is New Year's Day is a Saturday and don't be surprised if it somehow gets tied in with Sunday and there is minimal shopping time.
5th January (late) there is a sort of expectation within Spanish families and children are to the fore and their expectation of Christmas Gifts on the morning of 6th January (Kings). Try and interrupt that and suffer the consequences.
I hope you all have a Peaceful, Holy and a Happy Christmas and that the New Year will bring all you desire. Let the Spaniards feel the same and perhaps all of us can really enjoy Christmas and the New Year.
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:28pm
Helpful member
As the lady who posed the original question has Palomares as her town if residence I didn't think any of the answers rated the above diatribe. They were short and to the point. Not worthy of such a sarcastic comment.
Lyn77 wrote on Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:28pm:
As the lady who posed the original question has Palomares as her town if residence I didn't think any of the answers rated the above diatribe. They were short and to the point. Not worthy of such a sarcastic comment.
I was only trying to help with as fair an answer as possible and covering the whole Christman/NewYear period. My advice doesn't have to be taken and I don't have a monopoly on the truth but I would hate to see anybody arriving in Palomares or anywhere else late on Christmas Eve and at least not to have sufficient water and basic food while waiting to see if a supermarket open (or not open) on 26th December.
None of us knows if Angel is even in Spain at the moment or indeed if she will visit a supermarket in Spain between now and Christmas Eve.
Again, let me wish everybody looking in a Peaceful, Holy and Happy Christmas and that 2022 brings all your desires.
Matthew wrote on Mon Nov 15, 2021 3:17am:
I was only trying to help with as fair an answer as possible and covering the whole Christman/NewYear period. My advice doesn't have to be taken and I don't have a monopoly on the truth but I would hate to see anybody arriving in Palomares or anywhere else late on Christmas Eve and at least...
... not to have sufficient water and basic food while waiting to see if a supermarket open (or not open) on 26th December.
None of us knows if Angel is even in Spain at the moment or indeed if she will visit a supermarket in Spain between now and Christmas Eve.
Again, let me wish everybody looking in a Peaceful, Holy and Happy Christmas and that 2022 brings all your desires.
Dear people in the Palomares forum - thank you for the many answers! Perhaps I should have made it clearer that I bought a house in Palomares a few weeks ago and that I am therefore not at all familiar with the customs and the area! So I'm very grateful to Matthew for the detailed explanation - but I'm also delighted that so many people would like to help me. Thank you very much - and maybe we will meet in Palomares - even if we are Germans - we are open to many encounters!
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