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Wearing A Mask in public - Page 7

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:54pm

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Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:54pm

I apologies to you Matthew and of course Bryan as I honestly didn’t realise that it was a “tongue in cheek” comment.

Having recently lost my best friend and close acquaintance of mine to covid 🦠, like a bull to a rag I saw red mist and jumped the gun so to speak. I really am so so sorry 🙏 and I promise to be more careful next time 🤷‍♂️

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 4:13pm


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Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 4:13pm

Reyfran wrote on Mon Dec 27, 2021 8:23am:

Thank you for saying the truth, particularly from a professional point of view. I would add that not only masks are useless in this situation, they are also dangerous, making you breathe in your own CO2 which affects your immune system and deprives your brain from receiving the oxygen it needs to...



... function properly.

Masks are not useless however they don’t provide 100% protection. The government objective is to avoid hospitals becoming bed blocked by people being treated for covid. If wearing a mask prevents just 1% of hospitalisation this will reduce the risk of bed bloke significantly.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:55am


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Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:55am


Clearly you missed the point of my objection: that masks are useless because they leak. You also missed the article by an engineer shortly above your comment - a repeat of what has gone before.

Your emotional response to the deaths and press coverage looks for a simple answer and whatever you think about masks one thing is absolutely certain it has not got rid of the virus.

If a mask leaks it is useless. Percentage filtration is uselss. If it leaks you will contaminate people because you will be the spreader. This virus is now imbedded in all societies. It travels faster than we do.

Why are governments no longer taking this so seriously, why are we not going into lockdown if all these things are true. Your government has lost the battle and is in danger of losing face. In the UK the support for special measures has gone from 82% to 26% ???

Nature 1 Humans 0

Stop ;looking at what did not work in the past and come up with a better plan, clearly what went before over two years of loss of life, businesses and restrictions on lifestyles has no bearing on you repeating the same measures?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:43am


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Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:43am

End of another 'Covid' year and no end in sight, news articles abound in the UK about accepting the virus is here to stay just as flu was before?

Forever blowing bubbles? Good analogy for believers in the doomsday bug have you ever watched a child blowing bubbles, watching the bubbles with awe and excitement as the bubbles travel in different directions, swirling about and the attempts to try and catch one? It is a good lesson in aerosols too.

Remember what it was like to catch the bubble and it made your hand wet? All that soap and water on your hand? Yet a viral aerosol is more than a milllion times lighter and thus can travel way more than 1.5m or 2.0m.

Good luck in 2022 because science can not help you, better to look to the positive, you stayed healthy through two severe years of Covid, you have health and family  and the wealth to afford the internet, live in Spain (and travel if that is temporary) what more is there :)

Best wishes for another year of healthy Costa del Almeria Forum debate and information! :)

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Posted: Wed Jan 5, 2022 12:25pm

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Posted: Wed Jan 5, 2022 12:25pm

Shay123 wrote on Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:29pm:

For anyone interested in the truth of medicine and the realities it provides and can't provide you may find these people useful. Most have blogs, you do not necessarily have to buy the books? These are five books to widen your horizons? Happy researching! :)


...el="nofollow" target="_blank">A hunter gatherer's guide to the 21st century. This book, written by evolutionary biologists Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (who also host the excellent Dark Horse podcast), attempts to explain why modern people are so unhealthy, stressed, and dissatisfied with life, by analyzing the many ways in which life in modern civilization differs from the environment that we have evolved to thrive in. The clot thickens. British physician Malcolm Kendrick has made it his life's work to understand what actually causes heart disease, based on the early realization that the traditional cholesterol hypothesis (widely believed by cardiologists everywhere) has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. In this book he distils decades of research and thinking in to a single coherent whole, and explains what the true cause of heart disease is. A plague upon our house. American physician and health policy researcher Scott Atlas realized early in the covid pandemic that the broad brush lockdowns that were then being instituted would result in massively more harm than they would ever prevent. He started writing articles on the topic, and in the summer of 2020 this resulted in him being brought in to heart of the US government, to serve as a special advisor to the president. This book is a first hand account of his experiences in that role. The ministry of bodies. This book is a diary of sorts, detailing the last year before retirement of Irish physician Seamus O'Mahony as he worked as a consultant in the medicine wards of a big teaching hospital. The book is both funny and dark, and showcases the absurdity of modern healthcare, from metric driven care, to pharma corruption, to the inability to face death that characterizes modern civilization. Covid: why most of what you know is wrong. I'd be remiss not to mention my own book, which came out in early 2020, and is thus now almost a year old. The book was meant to do two things - first teach people how to look at and analyze scientific studies themselves, so that they're not beholden to other peoples' interpretations, and second to go through what the scientific evidence in relation to covid acutally shows, since what has been said by the media and by public health officials has often been patently false. I think the book still holds up pretty well almost a year later, with one exception. In the book, I was cautiously optimistic about the vaccines, based on the limited data then available. We now know that the protection they offer is fleeting, and that they can cause serious harms in the form of myocarditis and blood clotting disorders. They certainly aren't the magic bullets many of us were hoping for.

And THERE it is. A veritable feast of Covid-denier, anti-vaxx, conspiracy theorists – four of your five references are dubious, to say the least:

Weinstein has been criticized for making false statements about COVID-19 treatments and vaccines.

Heying has said that she has taken ivermectin to guard against COVID-19 and that she and Weinstein have not been vaccinated "because we have fears about the side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccines”

Malcolm Kendrick is a conspiracy theorist author who sits on the Medical Advisory Board for the Institute for Natural Healing (INH), a pseudoscientific ‘cancer woo’ organisation.The website advertises unproven cancer cures and promotes dubious vitamin and mineral supplements.

Atlas was selected by President Donald Trump in August 2020 to serve as an advisor on the White House Coronavirus Task Force (Nuff said?)

And you end with a ‘puff’ for your own book sales? I’m sorry, any credibility you may have had has totally disappeared. You aren’t one of the smug 'elite’ possessing greater knowledge than the rest of us - you’re just a deluded individual who should stop peddling this nonsense.

Oh, and just so you know; most vaccines don’t give you absolute protection from getting infected, they stop the severe disease associated with infection. Most also require a periodic booster to maintain their levels of protection. If, as you intimate, you are medically qualified, I suspect you were off sick when they taught that part of the course.

Don’t bother replying – I shan’t read any more of your rubbish. I advise others to do the same.

Posted: Wed Jan 5, 2022 1:27pm

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Posted: Wed Jan 5, 2022 1:27pm

Anne24 wrote on Wed Jan 5, 2022 12:25pm:

And THERE it is. A veritable feast of Covid-denier, anti-vaxx, conspiracy theorists – four of your five references are dubious, to say the least:

Weinstein has been criticized for making false statements about COVID-19 treatments and vaccines.



Heying has said that she has taken ivermectin to guard against COVID-19 and that she and Weinstein have not been vaccinated "because we have fears about the side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccines”

Malcolm Kendrick is a conspiracy theorist author who sits on the Medical Advisory Board for the Institute for Natural Healing (INH), a pseudoscientific ‘cancer woo’ organisation.The website advertises unproven cancer cures and promotes dubious vitamin and mineral supplements.

Atlas was selected by President Donald Trump in August 2020 to serve as an advisor on the White House Coronavirus Task Force (Nuff said?)

And you end with a ‘puff’ for your own book sales? I’m sorry, any credibility you may have had has totally disappeared. You aren’t one of the smug 'elite’ possessing greater knowledge than the rest of us - you’re just a deluded individual who should stop peddling this nonsense.

Oh, and just so you know; most vaccines don’t give you absolute protection from getting infected, they stop the severe disease associated with infection. Most also require a periodic booster to maintain their levels of protection. If, as you intimate, you are medically qualified, I suspect you were off sick when they taught that part of the course.

Don’t bother replying – I shan’t read any more of your rubbish. I advise others to do the same.

Best post of the day. Well said.

And here is some good news...there is an article about to be peer-reviewed that gives us more information about the production of antibodies in response to covid.

In summary....The vaccines were developed to fight the original strain of covid as we all know. Then came the beta variant and the vaccines, whilst not perfect, were helping avoid severe symptoms. Then came Delta and the vaccine's effectiveness was less so. Then came Omicron, and this is the good news, the bodies natural production of antibodies against Omicrom appears to be effective also against Delta. Meaning if you have been subjected to Omicron you will have antibodies to counter Delta. One can see this in the South African research statistics that Delta is dying out rapidly as more and more people get infected with Omicron. On the other hand, if you have Delta first and then contract Omnicron, then the reverse does not apply.

Anyway, I thought I'd share that with folks and be more upbeat about what will happen over the next few months. Here is a link for anyone interested:


Posted: Thu Jan 6, 2022 9:41am


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Posted: Thu Jan 6, 2022 9:41am

Well, I wondered how long it would be before someone saw it clearly wasn't the German Govt interviewing the doctor. I'll give you Brownie points for that but your whole opposition to anyone with an intelligent argument against what we have been doing is to label them loonies and to berate them aggressively like the others rather than deal with issues. Whilst it is easy to berate loonies try explaining them away instead.

That is typical of people thinking from fear rather than talking about the issues involved. No discussion just aggression. No one wants to hear that everything was for nothing, least of all governments who are now making noises about living with Covid19 now that it has replaced influenza?

The whole enterprise of trying to combat Covid19 has failed. After two years it is here to stay. None of what you say is improving anything but you can not admit that this virus has won, there has been no rational argument to say any different. As long as you keep on insisting and bullying people to think like you do the problem will exist. Your attitude of bullying is inherant to mankind when fear is about and is sadly one of our weaknesses as a species. It is the same mecahnism that denigrates racial groups, different nationalities and women. Put them in a bag, label them as loonies, animals or any other derogatory term you like.

Apart from the video I posted, which does raise some legitimate questions like why were there no clinical trials of antiviral drugs - one of which was produced publicly before Christmas, what methods of post infection treatments are now available - were they the right thing to do, why was the vaccine certified for "emergency use only" freely given to the public? No one can debate them because most people are convinced that they are the next one and will believe anything to avoid it.

Everything I learned about Virology 45 years ago still stands. This virus is no different to a host of other viruses in its mechanism of operation and the colaterla damage it causes. Yet the public has learned nothing about aerosol infections, viruses or anything much else of use in two years. So, people end up worshipping masks and the magical 1.5m or 2.0m (which is it) of distance that is their safety barrier when neither will prevent you from catching the virus, as proven by the latest mutant.

Yes there is a loony fringe at one end and there is the religious fringe at the other who are as equally dangerous, bullying people into their doctrine and political stance.

Do come back and write something about the way forward and tell us how anything that has gone beforeit is going to work in the future.

Virus 5 (and rising) vs Humans 0

Posted: Thu Jan 6, 2022 9:49am


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Posted: Thu Jan 6, 2022 9:49am

Oh, and by the way, I never wrote a book on the subject????

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