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Wearing A Mask in public - Page 3

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 3:05pm


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Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 3:05pm

Shay123 wrote on Tue Dec 14, 2021 2:19pm:

That is not evidence, just shows an irrational  knee jerk reaction and the NEED, to do something that is part of our psyche. We can't do nothing when fear drives us - we must fight or flight? Re: your remark about we must beat the virus. Sorry, the virus won and it has stayed around to mutat...



...e just like flu did for decades and no one really bothered. Nature always wins. Humans lost good and proper and the stupid human race is still running around in circles, trying to make out it won and can win next time... no lessons are learned by the masses. The same will happen next time. In the meantime we have lost our freedoms. Vaccines are only effective for 6 months and then you are back to zero. Population of Spain 52 million twice a year 104 million shots - bet the politicians will not buy into that? I repeat the dangers of over re-action that is a known problem with vaccination too, along with vaccination while your immune system is challenged by something else. Anywhere between three and five percent of the population do not get the benefit of vaccination. The numbers of people who died are less than 1% so you are not protecting anyone. People also believe the vaccination will stop them getting the virus - no it does not. It only works if you have an active immune system and it is possible to still die of the virus and you can still carry the virus to infect others regardless of whether you are ill or not.

Belief, belief belief not fact is tormenting society.

Especially now we are of the era of mass protection by medicine that  has elongated our lives. I looked at some data for people in Ireland in the 1800s that I have in relation to my genealogy. Out of a sample of around 3,500 people in rural Ireland post famine 1864 to 1900 ,better than one in three people lived to be more than 70. I was a little amazed at such a high figure for a hand to mouth existence that most people in Ireland lived. However, two out of three were dead before 70.

Truth will also win... eventually

You make some interesting points but Im unsure what your message is. Are you simply saying there is nothing humanity can do? or are you inferring there is a conspiracy amongst world leaders to put extra layers of control over their populations? or are you advocating another approach to protecting people against the effects of Covid? 

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:15pm


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Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:15pm

Shay123 wrote on Mon Dec 13, 2021 5:31pm:

Can you show me and everyone else the data that tells you that masks reduce infection? Somehow I never found any?

One thing that travels faster than a real virus is gossip and ignorance. As an ex-microbiologist I can tell you that masks are a placebo effect. They physically can not restrain any virus inside you, so they do not work. Any hole that is in any mask that you can buy is greater than the size of th...



...e nano droplet carrying a virus. A mask is not sealed to your face in any case so air and billions of viruses and bacteria are escaping all the time. to the tune of 50L per minute of expanding swirling gas in your local supermarket....

Common sense travels at a far smaller pace than gossip and pseudo science newspaper articles. That is why people get angry about masks not because they feel their civil liberties are taken away, that comes later in the order of things.

As an 'ex microbiologist' please then explain why surgeons and other health professionals wear masks?

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:43pm


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Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:43pm

AndrewS wrote on Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:15pm:

As an 'ex microbiologist' please then explain why surgeons and other health professionals wear masks?

Been debated all ready if you read the thread properly. 

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 9:32am


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Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 9:32am

“The numbers of people who died are less than 1% so you are not protecting anyone.”

So, we are protecting the 1%, are we not?  That’s half a million in Spain and 600k in the UK

“People also believe the vaccination will stop them getting the virus - no it does not. It only works if you have an active immune system“

I’m sure you know that a vaccine ‘educates’ the immune system to recognise certain proteins on the virus and attack it, because it contains a de-natured virus (in effect, a copy of COVID that can’t infect the body). Yes, the immune system ‘forgets’ over time hence the need for boosters. It’s not perfect but the point of vaccinations is to enable immune systems to fight back to minimise the risk of serious illness.  The fact that COVID will mutate and infect people isn’t the point - it’s about avoiding serious illness or death

Masks reduce droplet spread. Far from perfect but better than nothing. They also cause the wearer to think about behaviour and avoid risk. 

Finally I noticed a difference pre and during omicron here in the uk. In my local supermarket , mask wearing went from about 10% to about 98% in about two days before rules were imposed

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:21pm


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Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:21pm


Sorry to say you have not read properly what I am saying about mask wearing being useless, totally useless.

Yes, your mask will get wet on the inside (which is bad for general health anyway) but it does not stop the virus being carried on your breath far further than 1.5m or 2m whichever distance is deemed safe.

Think of seeing peoples breath on a cold and frosty morning? Only visible by the cold temperature condensing ie fusing together small droplets, too small to se with a microscope to make slightly bigger vapour that is capable of deflecting light. You really have to get a grip on how small a virus is and how far any air current can travel with live virus and two metres is not the limit?

Even if you believe the mask stopped any transmisssion of the virus the amount of virus escaping is enough to give transmission. Even the best propoganda states masks are fifty percent useless or fifty percent efficient. If you let the virus out you have controlled nothing.

I repeat also that you are advised to wear a face covering, not a medically approved mask. How does that work exactly? A scarf is a face covering......

As you quite rightly point out the vaccine (which is really worthy of another thread itself) does not stop you getting the virus nor stop you from being a carrier. If your immune system works then it becomes educated. Even if your antibody level goes down some 'memory' can exist and all cases are different, this one has not been identified yet but some are memorised and some not. It is normal for your antibody level to go back to zero? It is expensive for the immune system to churn out this kind of stuff. Think of the analogy that our streets would be safe if police were stationed every 100m around your town ready to respond to any emergency, day and night. When you got your local tax bill you would say no, maybe 200m then 300m then possibly not any? No crime equals no police?

I am going to ask any readers to look at three things


Find a graph of deaths in any country in Europe and mark on the plot when lockdown started and when it was removed, do the same for mask wearing and if you can find it show me the change in slope of the graph that should happen within a week or two weeks.


Find any article that says that funeral parlours were overrun in the last twelve months?


Find out official figures that show many people died in any of the two years this has been going on, OVER the normal number of people dying?

If these numbers were useful to those who go on about the 'danger' (mainstream press) they would be headlines but they are not. Surely politicians would be throwing them at you to justify the measaures? The reality is that they are in a hole created by irresponsible mainstream reporting and public pressure to do something and they are fuelling each other.

Politicians mostly get this scenario but they want the popular vote and so what can they do? Humans have an overbalanced ego when it comes to taming nature, it is not in our natural psyche to think that there is nothing we have done that works or to believe the smallest unit of life on the planet can cause humans to self destruct on such a massive scale.

I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:29pm


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Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:29pm

For anyone interested in the truth of medicine and the realities it provides and can't provide you may find these people useful. Most have blogs, you do not necessarily have to buy the books? These are five books to widen your horizons? Happy researching! :)

  1. A hunter gatherer's guide to the 21st century. This book, written by evolutionary biologists Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (who also host the excellent Dark Horse podcast), attempts to explain why modern people are so unhealthy, stressed, and dissatisfied with life, by analyzing the many ways in which life in modern civilization differs from the environment that we have evolved to thrive in.
  2. The clot thickens. British physician Malcolm Kendrick has made it his life's work to understand what actually causes heart disease, based on the early realization that the traditional cholesterol hypothesis (widely believed by cardiologists everywhere) has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. In this book he distils decades of research and thinking in to a single coherent whole, and explains what the true cause of heart disease is.
  3. A plague upon our house. American physician and health policy researcher Scott Atlas realized early in the covid pandemic that the broad brush lockdowns that were then being instituted would result in massively more harm than they would ever prevent. He started writing articles on the topic, and in the summer of 2020 this resulted in him being brought in to heart of the US government, to serve as a special advisor to the president. This book is a first hand account of his experiences in that role.
  4. The ministry of bodies. This book is a diary of sorts, detailing the last year before retirement of Irish physician Seamus O'Mahony as he worked as a consultant in the medicine wards of a big teaching hospital. The book is both funny and dark, and showcases the absurdity of modern healthcare, from metric driven care, to pharma corruption, to the inability to face death that characterizes modern civilization.
  5. Covid: why most of what you know is wrong. I'd be remiss not to mention my own book, which came out in early 2020, and is thus now almost a year old. The book was meant to do two things - first teach people how to look at and analyze scientific studies themselves, so that they're not beholden to other peoples' interpretations, and second to go through what the scientific evidence in relation to covid acutally shows, since what has been said by the media and by public health officials has often been patently false. I think the book still holds up pretty well almost a year later, with one exception. In the book, I was cautiously optimistic about the vaccines, based on the limited data then available. We now know that the protection they offer is fleeting, and that they can cause serious harms in the form of myocarditis and blood clotting disorders. They certainly aren't the magic bullets many of us were hoping for.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:36pm


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Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:36pm

Shay, I'm on the verge of blocking your contributions here like I did with  AndyMac some months ago. Tell you what though. I'll continue to wear a facemask to keep myself and those around me safe from that killer Coronavirus, Covid, Omicron or whatever name it goes by. Use whatever semantics you wish as most of us care about others and do what we can to get ourselves out of the Covid situation. 

Newsflash:- People are still dying because of Covid, many more are suffering, many businesses will not open their doors again. Many more are suffering loss of income. Covid is a dreadful killer diseasee and we must use everything we can to fight it. Do whatever you want to do, but please don't try to stop others doing the right thing.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 3:17pm


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Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 3:17pm

The truth is always blunt and that makes it hard to take, feel free to block free speech and facts? Very little of what I said is my opinion and facts speak louder than rhetoric and last longer too. Everything I wote here is fact based not ideas, I am confident that all this will come out in the end. Nobody is forced to do anything here by me except ask some questions about your life and the current restrictions, whether they work in reality or not. People die everyday but this virus is not extra deaths - it is your own choice to believe what you want?

Amazing how the pointy needle of truth annoys people,,,,,

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:34am


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Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:34am

The Netherlands is probably the country with most protests against Covid restrictions in the EU. 85% of the adult population has received at least two doses of the vaccine and yet of yesterday (Christmas Week) a total lockdown of non essential services was reintroduced until January 2022. Such is the potential dreadful situation regarding Omicron there. 

Netherlands to go into lockdown over Christmas period (

Bear in mind more than 30% of the population of London has yet to get the first vaccine. And until recently travellers in the public transport systems there didn't have to wear a mask. They do now. Omicron is a killer, let's not aid it. Wear a mask.

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 10:37am


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Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 10:37am

Yes and vaccine passes are now needed in Andalucia since Friday for all indoor activities.

Fear is more contagious than the virus. How an indoor pass system will stop what a total lockdown didn't is a system of belief not science.

We will be in the same situation next winter and the winter after that as the Covid19 has muscled 'flu' out of the equation. Flu mutated about the same rate every year and the flu vaccine was a cocktail of  two or more strains of flu as anticipated a year in advance, in order for enough vaccine to be ready for winter. Only the old and the vulenerable were offered the vaccine along with key workers with limited success.

Interesting how flu 'killed' tens of thousands each winter and was ignored, ICUs complaining they didn't have the staff etc.

How is any of this changing the future? Even if 100% of people are vaccinated the virus mutates and your vaccine lasts 6 months at present. The UK rollout is now on ten months and ongoing. Are we really going to be vaccinated every 6 months? Are we really going to be tested everytime we travel over an international border (but can travel further inside a country)?

Dose of realism would help more because businesses and the economies we rely on are suffering real harm, the mental strain on people from fear is now beginning to mount and be realised, the patients who need cancer and heart treatments are suffering (and each have more deaths per year than covid)and yet there are no more people in the graveyards than any other year??

Interesting statistic I learned a while ago. The number of schoolage children labelled as covid deaths is less than the number of children killed in car accidents.

After two years of sitting by and waiting for the world to get real, all you will see in newspapers and tv, along with personal contributions is not based on reality. The media has a vested interest in spinning the story, medicine and science is dependent on money from companies and most self-respecting scientists will not debate this in public because of the type of discussion that this thread is typical of.

Try answering the three questions I posed and see if it is true or not. Holland has no increased deaths over any other year, nothing extra?

It is time to start taking back control of our lives, we gave in because we trusted our 'authorities' to behave responsibly but they knew the truth and used behavioural psychologists to persuade us that politicians would respond and deal with the crisis and stop us from panicking. Now they have dug a hole for themselves, how to get out of this? Vaccination is not working, lockdown and the masks have not worked, Where do we go from here?

Anyway it answers a 45 year old question for me. In 1968 millions died of that flu and there was no panic buying in the shops, we got on with life. Now, 2020 on...? If it ever comes to "the big one" the real 'killer virus' that wipes out really large percentages, we will never cope.

As a commentator tweeeted

" Date 2016: note to Time Travellers -This is about as good as it gets for a while"

Note to anyone still reading the thread, have a good holiday, do kiss and hug those you love, it will not kill you and it is good for your heart and wellbeing! :) :)

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