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What is the difference between Padron and Residencia?

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 3:48pm
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Hello to all,

my wife and I bought an apartment in Mojacar with the intention to move and live here in this beautiful town.

We both are Italian citizens from the US and have never lived in the EU.

I know, after moving we can stay here for 90 days before we have to register.

Now we heard about 2 different procedures to get the Spanish residency for EU citizens and we're somehow confused.

One told us we have to go to Almeria for a registration that may take until 2 months and we need a Gestor for filing it, another told us because we're EU citizens, we only have to apply for Padron and it can be done personally at the Adminstracion Municipal here in Majocar.

Can someone tell me what is the correct information?

Many thanks


Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 6:37pm


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Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 6:37pm

Bernhard wrote on Wed May 10, 2023 3:48pm:

Hello to all,

my wife and I bought an apartment in Mojacar with the intention to move and live here in this beautiful town.



We both are Italian citizens from the US and have never lived in the EU.

I know, after moving we can stay here for 90 days before we have to register.

Now we heard about 2 different procedures to get the Spanish residency for EU citizens and we're somehow confused.

One told us we have to go to Almeria for a registration that may take until 2 months and we need a Gestor for filing it, another told us because we're EU citizens, we only have to apply for Padron and it can be done personally at the Adminstracion Municipal here in Majocar.

Can someone tell me what is the correct information?

Many thanks


Hi Bernhard

Padron and Residencia are two different things but they are linked.

Registration on the Padron is done at that goe local Town Hall. It is way of registering your presence in the town of your choice so that the local council knows how many people are in the town. It is a form of census. it is quite 

However, it does not grant you residency. Residency is a formal registration of your right to live and stay in Spain after 90 days as you say. 

As Italians with EU passports you should have little difficulty in gaining residency. If you are computer literate ( and by the mere fact you are here that seems a given ) it is quite easy to do the application yourself. Part of the application will require you to demonstrate where you live in Spain. This is where the Padron certificate becomes necessary. Yes, you will need to attend the Officina de Extranjero in Almeria but it should be very easy. There are forms that can be downloaded on the net for the application but I think they will have probably changed from when I made my application. ( I did mine myself in 2019 ) 

There are folk in this forum far wiser than me, notably Dario, who will give you the full information. 

I hope all goes well 

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 10:01pm


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Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 10:01pm

Bernhard wrote on Wed May 10, 2023 3:48pm:

Hello to all,

my wife and I bought an apartment in Mojacar with the intention to move and live here in this beautiful town.



We both are Italian citizens from the US and have never lived in the EU.

I know, after moving we can stay here for 90 days before we have to register.

Now we heard about 2 different procedures to get the Spanish residency for EU citizens and we're somehow confused.

One told us we have to go to Almeria for a registration that may take until 2 months and we need a Gestor for filing it, another told us because we're EU citizens, we only have to apply for Padron and it can be done personally at the Adminstracion Municipal here in Majocar.

Can someone tell me what is the correct information?

Many thanks


As Truenudisttoo has said, Padrón only tells the Ayuntamiento that you are in that area.

To register for residencia you will first need to register on the Padrón because a Certificado de Empadronamiento is a prerequisite for Residencia.

Yes, you will need to attend the Oficina de Extranjeria in Almeria in person to obtain Residencia, but it is quite a simple process

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