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My name's Alex and this is my website all about Mojacar in Spain. Register now for free to talk about Brexit and the EU: living, holidaying and moving to Mojacar and much more!


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:21am
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Hello We are juggling a few balls at the moment; selling a house in the U.K., applying for residency in Spain and buying a Spanish property. 

The question I have (maybe one for you Dario!) is that we are committing ourselves to Spain by buying a property and it may well be that we sign the papers for the new house before residency is complete. 

If we fulfil of the criteria of residency; ie financial, health care etc it is enshrined in European Law ( and maybe the Withdrawal agreement) and therefore I am assuming we will be accepted? I assume the Spanish police have no reason or power to prevent us from gaining residency? (We are debt free and have no criminal record!!) 

Our solicitor (which is understandable) won’t tell us ‘yes you will be accepted’- she only says you have fulfilled all the criteria now we apply to the Police. 

It’s a little scary putting all your eggs in one basket!


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:18pm


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Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:18pm

Andy56 wrote on Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:21am:

Hello We are juggling a few balls at the moment; selling a house in the U.K., applying for residency in Spain and buying a Spanish property. 

The question I have (maybe one for you Dario!) is that we are committing ourselves to Spain by buying a property and it may well be that we sign the papers for the new house before residency is complete. 

If we fulfil of the criteria of residency; ie financial, health care etc it is e...



...nshrined in European Law ( and maybe the Withdrawal agreement) and therefore I am assuming we will be accepted? I assume the Spanish police have no reason or power to prevent us from gaining residency? (We are debt free and have no criminal record!!) 

Our solicitor (which is understandable) won’t tell us ‘yes you will be accepted’- she only says you have fulfilled all the criteria now we apply to the Police. 

It’s a little scary putting all your eggs in one basket!


Obviously I can’t give guarantees - but If you meet the criteria, including owning property, then the chances of you NOT being accepted under the current pre-end transition period system are so minuscule as to not be concerned about; it’s why I encourage anyone who can to get in on this system.

I would honestly say “fear not” - in a month or two, you’ll get a call to say “come pick up your cards” and you’ll be set .... then you just need to get driving licence changed before 31/12 😁

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