Hi all,
I am writing this as a warning / information to anyone interested in getting solar panels installed. Please do as much research as you can, talk with others regarding solar companies and most importantly make sure you are on the correct tarrif with your electric company and that you actually will benefit financially from having panels installed.
We had solar panels installed by Ecocorp in Dec 22. Our latest bill in Feb was over 400 euro. After a significant amount of arguing with the staff of Ecocorp, a couple of trips to Iberdrola, we eventually we're given a contact number for a translator to help us. ( this was from a friend of ours) our translator Roxanne went above and beyond being a translator to help us. We got an electrition from Iberdrola to come out and check our property to find out what was wrong. At our expense mind you, as Ecocorp did not agree to send an engineer. What transpired was, we are on phase 3 so the electricity coming to our house was enough to power 4 villas or a factory our electrician told us. We should have been on mono, which is normal power for all villas. At no time when Ecocorp came to sell us solar panels did the tell us what phase 3 power meant, despite seeing our bills. Most of the electricity we have been gaining from solar was going straight to the electric company as we were on private instead of public.
So, at the end of this saga, we've paid 10.000 euro to Ecocorp for panels we probably wouldn't have needed if we were on the right tariff payment for the electriction, our translator, and another 400/ 500 to have the legality of this sorted. We have 16 panels, or ornaments as I was calling them on the roof and a huge box in the hall for phase 3 that we didn't need.
Moral of the story check, check and check again get an independent person to help.
I cannot recommend Roxanne highly enough, she's been a godsend to us.