EndEx wrote on Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:31pm:
Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:34pm
Super helpful member
Doris wrote on Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:58pm:
dont you mean if he doesnt capitulate
Love it Endex
I don’t think many of us remoaners or brexiteers actually thought that there would be a deal. The last 11 months have been a total waste of time, effort and money. Boris can always say that he tried but that the big bad EU wanted to punish the people of the UK. However, those of us with a brain know that Boris and all the Tory elite have already moved their interests away from the UK into some protected off shore account, in some cases their assets are in the union that they wanted out of. When the people of the UK realise what has happened and vote BJ and his party out they will then understand that they need to pay to protect this prick for the rest of his natural. God bless the UK of Great Britain and all those who have to sail in which ever direction that she goes.
Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:29pm
Legendary helpful member
ErnieR wrote on Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:18pm:
I don’t think many of us remoaners or brexiteers actually thought that there would be a deal. The last 11 months have been a total waste of time, effort and money. Boris can always say that he tried but that the big bad EU wanted to punish the people of the UK. However, those of us with a brain...
... know that Boris and all the Tory elite have already moved their interests away from the UK into some protected off shore account, in some cases their assets are in the union that they wanted out of. When the people of the UK realise what has happened and vote BJ and his party out they will then understand that they need to pay to protect this prick for the rest of his natural. God bless the UK of Great Britain and all those who have to sail in which ever direction that she goes.
Don’t you mean “directions” when Scotland and Ireland split?
I reckon Boris will cave. He’s got a big mouth and a line of bluster, but always seems to roll over when the pressure is on (remember “I’ll be dead in a ditch before I apply for an extension”?) still seems to be very much alive ... well, ambulatory. Given his inability to lead, attend meetings, make decisions, talk sense or tell the truth you could be forgiven for believing his brain well and truly deceased.
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Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:41pm
Super helpful member
to protect this prick
very classy ErnieR
the big bad EU wanted to punish the people of the UK.
yes you are right they do
However, those of us with a brain know that Boris and all the Tory elite have already moved their interests away from the UK into some protected off shore account, in some cases their assets are in the union that they wanted out of
and between using vulgar language will you please show proof of this??
hartcjhart wrote on Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:41pm:
to protect this prick
very classy ErnieR
the big bad EU wanted to punish the people of the UK.
yes you are right they do
However, those of us with a brain know that Boris and all the Tory elite have already moved their interests away from the UK into some protected off shore account, in some cases their assets are in the union that they wanted out of
and between using vulgar language will you please show proof of this??
As soon as you show the benefits of being out of the EU 😉
hartcjhart wrote on Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:41pm:
to protect this prick
very classy ErnieR
the big bad EU wanted to punish the people of the UK.
yes you are right they do
However, those of us with a brain know that Boris and all the Tory elite have already moved their interests away from the UK into some protected off shore account, in some cases their assets are in the union that they wanted out of
and between using vulgar language will you please show proof of this??
My grandfather fought in both wars against the Germans, the Scottish one not the German. The first as a 18 year old squaddie and the second as part of the catering core feeding the troops in Africa and then across Europe. He always said he would trust a German before a Tory, who am I to disagree with him 🤔
ErnieR wrote on Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:59pm:
My grandfather fought in both wars against the Germans, the Scottish one not the German. The first as a 18 year old squaddie and the second as part of the catering core feeding the troops in Africa and then across Europe. He always said he would trust a German before a Tory, who am I to disagree ...
...with him 🤔
I like your Grandad. 👍
Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 9:36pm
Super helpful member
I don’t think many of us remoaners or brexiteers actually thought that there would be a deal. The last 11 months have been a total waste of time, effort and money
not far wrong apart from the fact that had you remoaners accepted the result instead of trying to stop/delay/hinder it and put your weight behind your COUNTRY then the nogotiating hand would have been a lot stronger,sadly BECAUSE of the remoaners the EU thought oohh goody we can divide the people and triumph,are you happy with your contribution to no deal??
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