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Sierra Cabrera up for sale???

Posted: Sun Apr 3, 2022 2:14pm
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Location: Sierra Cabrera

Joined: 27 Dec 2021

Does anyone know anything about the sale of the whole Sierra Cabrera development? I have been looking at property in Sierra Cabrera for quite a while now and I am aware of a dispute between the current developers and some of the residents over the maintenance and infrastructure fees. I just checked Rightmove Overseas and it would appear that the developers have put Sierra Cabrera on the market for Euros 7,000,000....

Posted: Wed Apr 6, 2022 11:15am

Posts: 34

star21 helpful points

Location: Sierra Cabrera

Joined: 28 Feb 2020

Posted: Wed Apr 6, 2022 11:15am

You may want to have a look at the site and especially the case studies. The dispute should concern all home owners of SC, not just some. As I understand it, SC is a private development, started in the 1980’s, with the intention to hand it over to Turre once finished. Finished means: urbanisation infrastructure finished, and paid for. Roads, water, electricity, sewerage.. That infrastructure is/should be paid for by money the first owner pays when purchasing the plot+construction, but, it seems the infrastructure costs are now being paid from the yearly maintenance fees, which is not correct. One of the disputes is that the builders (junta) are not exactly transparent about finances. Like, a 250.000€ transformer seems to have been paid from maintenance fees, while it is an infrastructure thing, and should be paid for by the builders.

A problem is that the builders currently can do more or less what they like, still owning the majority of the land in SC, and thus having the biggest vote. Turre had a ca 30% say in SC, but now a big part of SC is changed to “green belt”, Turre only has a say of 10%. I would not count on Turre stepping in either, Turre will not be willing to spend money on SC. It’s remote and sparsely populated, and not their responsibility.

It is one of my worries that development in SC could be geared up to pay for new infrastructure, or just to make money, and SC will be spoiled. There currently are 200-300 properties, but the original plan is for about 1000. If that happens you may even run out of something like water. I once asked, and the reply was that in that case Galasa will step in. Galasa won’t. SC is remote, and unless SC itself pays for it Galasa will do nothing. 

Also, you may be surprised that the land next to your property suddenly is a buildable plot. If you look at the catastro you will see that a lot of roads are planned, and subdivisions into smaller plots, even though on the ground nothing is to be seen, you may end up with a building project next to your house, even in unlikely places.  A house I looked at has a road planned to land beyond, right next to the house. Right now it’s lush and green, but…

The way the junta (builders) operated is deemed illegal by the recent court case, and apparently cannot continue as is. states:  “The investment needed to add the remaining of the infrastructure agreed with the authorities is estimated to cost an extra €4,900.000.“

Have a look at Maybe the home owners should organise themselves, or else a new owner may have their way, at least with the area around you.

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