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Information on Sierra Cabrera and its rules please

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 6:05pm
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Location: Sierra Cabrera

Joined: 28 Feb 2020

Dear Sierra Cabrera people,

We're from the Netherlands, currently living not far from Antas. We’ve been to Sierra Cabrera a few times, to eat at Fatima’s. The views are splendid, and there are quite some nice houses for sale. 

I'm now looking for some in-depth information on buying a house and living in SC. 

1. I'm aware that SC was started, and is still being built today, by a "building society", who are more or less still in control, because they still own the majority of the land. Is there any info on this topic? 

2. I read that there are two parts in Sierra Cabrera, poligono 1 and 2, that have different owners?

3. Good to know Sierra Cabrera has water from an aquifer. Earlier this year I saw that at the side of the town water flows from the valley in the mountains! Did you mean to say that the aquifer supplies all water in SC? Enough for all the swimming pools etc? Is the aquifer monitored well so it’s not depleted as so many aquifers in Spain..?

4. I’m aware you pay a monthly fee as a SC inhabitant, does that cover water too? Here in Antas I’m lucky enough to have irrigation water, so we fill and top up our pool with that, at very low cost, but neighbors have a very high water bill.. (Galasa does not want you to fill pools with their water, and charges you a progressive tariff)

5. Solar panels? I don't see any in SC. Are you allowed to install solar panels for electricity and hot water? 

6.Does SC have rules about the look of the houses, like colours, modifications, solar panels..?

6. Does SC have decent (cable?) internet? Right now we use Next wireless internet, which works ok-ish most of the time, but with hiccups at times, too.

7. I’m very curious to know how you experienced peace and quiet in SC, as houses are not very far apart. I’d hate to hear rowdy pool parties next door, as we sometimes experience here from a rented house not far away..

8. I found a letter from Robert Uzzell to the mayor of Turre about some meddling Turre wanted to do in SC, and he wrote a wonderful letter on facebook ( ) that does speak to my heart. He discusses not wanting street lighting and pavements, as Turre wanted SC to install, and about road maintenance. Like, "The Junta Pol 1 always maintains 13.5 kms of roads so that residents can move about without damage to both themselves and their cars-they are not billiard smooth but are acceptable". 

Thanks for any info!


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