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Rheumatoid Arthritis medication

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:45pm
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Hi Everyone

I am planning to become resident in Spain before 31/12/20 which is complicated by pre-existing Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Currently I have an expensive monthly infusion at the hospital in the UK and have been advised the same treatment in Spain would be 1000 euros/month plus day hospital costs, or 1000 euros/month for weekly injection option.

As I don't yet qualify for S1, could anyone advise if I would need to pay for this in full as I guess that it is probably considered a prescription. 

Once I reach pension age and obtain an S1 (if still possible, and based on current rules), is it possible that I would then be entitled to only pay a percentage of the cost of the treatment/prescription.

Also, I am hoping to continue working remotely in Spain for a UK company as an employee and wondered if anyone could give me any advice about if this was possible. 

Thanks in advance for any advice, much appreciated.

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:36pm


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Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:36pm

Aletta wrote on Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:45pm:

Hi Everyone

I am planning to become resident in Spain before 31/12/20 which is complicated by pre-existing Rheumatoid Arthritis.



Currently I have an expensive monthly infusion at the hospital in the UK and have been advised the same treatment in Spain would be 1000 euros/month plus day hospital costs, or 1000 euros/month for weekly injection option.

As I don't yet qualify for S1, could anyone advise if I would need to pay for this in full as I guess that it is probably considered a prescription. 

Once I reach pension age and obtain an S1 (if still possible, and based on current rules), is it possible that I would then be entitled to only pay a percentage of the cost of the treatment/prescription.

Also, I am hoping to continue working remotely in Spain for a UK company as an employee and wondered if anyone could give me any advice about if this was possible. 

Thanks in advance for any advice, much appreciated.

Hi Aletta

My advice would be to seek the services of a lawyer and accountant here in Spain. There is nothing to stop you working remotely for a UK company but tax will be an issue and you will need professional advice.

You give very little information for anyone to be able give you substantial advice. 

Your pensionable age is critical. The S1 is unlikely to be continued after 31/12/2020. 

If you are not of pensionable age before the end of the transition period you will need Health insurance to cover you. That will no doubt impact on your current medication.

If you are of pensionable age before 31/12/2020 I would advise seeking an English speaking Doctor who could advise you on your medication needs.

Hope all goes well


Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 10:42am


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Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 10:42am

  I take Indamethicin which can be bought over the counter in Spain, I take it for Gout and long standing joint problems from old sports injuries. My normal dose is 25mg once a day but will take 75mg 3x a day if I get a flare up. An uncle had Rhuematoid arthritis and wasprescibed this about 50 years ago. It is an old NSAID and does not seem to be used much by doctors now. However it works nd will clear up Arthritis / Gout attacks in 48 hours in my ankle (previously broken) when I have been unable to walk. I would ask your own doctor about using it

Hope this is helpful


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