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returning home to the uk

Posted: Fri Apr 3, 2020 4:51pm
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Location: Mojacar

Joined: 5 Oct 2016

just had a email from uk gov i thought this might be of interest to anyone trying to get back to the uk

There remain commercial options to return to the UK from Spain.

If you live in the UK and are currently visiting Spain, you’re strongly advised to return now by commercial means. Don’t run the risk of getting stranded.

UK special charter flights will only operate for priority countries where commercial flights are not possible. You should not assume that these flights will become available in countries where commercial routes are operating. Please do not contact the contracted travel management company if no flight is advertised here.

Should you be unable to travel back to the UK due to ill health or reduced mobility, you may wish to consider looking for longer-term accommodation in Spain until the State of Emergency is lifted. If you require access to medical treatment, the UK EHIC is still valid for the rest of 2020.


Airports across Spain remain open, but airlines are operating heavily reduced services. Please see our latest flight availability guide on our facebook page. This is intended as a guide to help travellers, not a definitive statement of availability and in many cases includes indirect flights. Please check airline websites, including comparison websites for the latest times and information.

Travel via France

The land borders remain open for those leaving Spain. British nationals can still drive through France to return to the UK, but they will need to complete an ‘attestation’ (declaration) specifying the reason for being outside.

If you’re planning to travel via France, check the latest FCO travel advice for France ahead of your journey. While you are not required to carry any paperwork to justify your travel in Spain other than evidence of your onward travel plan (i.e. rail ticket), you may find this letter useful to explain that you are returning to your country of residence.

Travelling to the airport

Travel to airports to leave Spain is still permitted, but travellers may be asked to provide evidence that they are departing Spain (i.e. plane ticket).


There are no passenger ferries currently operating between Spain and the UK. You should make alternative arrangements to return to the UK.


The land borders remain open for those leaving Spain. British nationals can still drive through France to return to the UK, but you will need to carry evidence of your onward travel plan (i.e. rail ticket) and complete an ‘attestation’ (declaration) specifying the reason for being outside. If you are planning to use this route, check the latest FCO travel advice for France ahead of your journey.

Although driving restrictions and vehicle occupancy limitations are in force in Spain, the Spanish Interior Ministry and Policia Local have confirmed that cars and minivans carrying families/groups of passengers is permitted, as long as the purpose of the journey is to return to your country of residence. All passengers should carry their passports and proof of where they live. You may also find this letter useful should you be required to explain your reason for travel.

Further information

Sign up for travel advice email alerts and follow the British Embassy on @UKinSpain and Facebook.

See additional advice on making travel plans to return to the UK, or what to do if you cannot depart immediately.

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