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#StopSpreadingTheFear - Page 3

Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 11:14am


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Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 11:14am

Nicely put sir!

I hope to meet you and yours one day in the sunshine, you sound like a proper good egg.

Stay safe


Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 11:48am


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Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 11:48am

DarioMartin wrote on Mon Apr 6, 2020 8:40pm:

*sigh* when I started this topic, I thought it was going to be me taking fire for daring to  suggest that conspiracy theorists were complete and utter nutcases who keep the tinfoil industry going in buying huge amounts for tinfoil hats.

I started this topic with the intention of generating discussion around how utterly stupid conspiracy theories were and how dim-witted those who spread them must be.  Please don’t pick on each other, we each have differing beliefs in terms of diet, religion etc etc - I’m nice and diverse...



... - I’m a meat-eating Pagan who is Wiccan .... go figure.  I’m proudly polytheist and love candles, runes and crystals.

Right ... that should give you all a fresh target for your ire and righteous indignation 😁😂 .... please don’t pick on each other though.

Nicely put Dario, in the situation the world is in at the moment, I would have thought being nice to each other was top of peoples lists, and not tearing each other apart, OK so you have different beliefs, good for you. It would appear that there are people on here that just cant except we are all different and have different beliefs, who are you to say who is right and who is wrong. I am also a Wiccan I don't eat meat, I don't kill anything and I am passionate about all animals. I don't believe it is necessary to kill and eat anything with a heart beat. But I do accept and respect other peoples beliefs. You might die tomorrow, hopefully you wont, don't waste what could be your last breath in slagging each other off.  Stay Safe Jenni  PS if you want something else to read that is a little light hearted google

Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 12:07pm


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Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 12:07pm

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OK, so for Kosher MEAT, a cloven hoofed animal or a fowl must be slaughtered only by a Shohet and yes, it is a single cut across the oesophagus .... again, railing against this is trying to tell a 1000 years of culture and belief and orthodoxy they are wrong.  Believe me, after many years within that culture I am very aware of what Kosher is.

But that aside, here's an interesting philosophical question.  What makes you "right" and everyone else "wrong"?  It is your beliefs, yes?  You believe a certain way, therefore anyone who does anything contrary to that is "wrong", cruel, backwards even?

You seek the world to heal, which is noble, but the first step must come not with everyone conforming to what you - or I - believe is right, but in accepting that we are all different, we do things differently, we have different beliefs .... and not let our own prejudices blind us.  We need to accept each other for who we are.  Until you can accept that people have different cultures and beliefs and that whilst those cultures and beliefs are abhorrent to you personally, it doesn't make them cruel, we will not be able to come together as one people.

Now ... I am not DEFENDING any of the practices; merely recognising that people have a right to practice their cultural beliefs, even though I don't agree with them and would like to see them change.  But as I said - change can only come from a particular practice being recognised by the culture in question as needing to be changed.  Again, it's generational.

Prejudice is when we think a certain way about a group of people, based on the actions of some within that cultural group.  Not all Moslems are terrorists, not all Jewish are orthodox, not all Britons drink excessively and engage in knife violence, not all Spaniards enjoy bullfighting, not all Chinese eat monkeys brains or dogs and cats ..... yet when we say "The Chinese market and culture is what it is"- that is exactly what we are doing - imposing that belief system on an entire nation.  That's a prejudice.

Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 2:17pm


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Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 2:17pm

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Let it Go for Gods sake or Allah. You are going to work yourself up to a heart attack.

Chill in the sun and enjoy what we have in life.

Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 2:22pm


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Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 2:22pm

Well there is one thing ! can agree with you on L181SKY....that Dario says he knows about Halal meat.....when what you state is correct...(he even had the nerve to say 'he was certain that I did not know what it was'.!)...There have been a couple of successful prosecutions in the UK for goats having their throats slit in back yards while being blessed over, barbaric under any religion .....He also goes on to ''spread the fear'' that the Fox Hunting ban of 2004 has been overturned!!!!! What is drag hunting that is still legal.....BUT of course as in all Countries people will try to break the law.....In this case the master of the hunt 'temporarily' looses control of the hounds, so they chase and kill a fox, there have been cases successfully brought against these I have said before there is still badger baiting and hare coursing....although that has been banned for years. Education is the key.  I am told by him that I can not have an opinion or view...''You’ve never actually witnessed it yourself .... it’s anecdotal - but unless you can say for 100% certain that you have witnessed this yourself'' is what he says.....????? So maybe there is no such think as Corona as I have not seen someone with it? Such rubbish he spouts....(Maybe he is lonely and by himself? Just a thought!).... Just so you can see what cruelty is occurring in Spain, as well as the horrific cruelty in China;  Education Education Education.  I do still believe though that the poor regions in China are going to need finance as well as Education........People in glass houses should NOT throw stones at China....But neither should we live with it and accept it.   I think what really gets to me about Darios posts it the vitriol he speaks and then blesses me at the end....Hypocritical.

I have posted a list of cruel Spanish practises which are occurring now.I have removed the horrific pictures. (No Dario I have not witnessed them....but we all know that bullfighting exists even if we do not wish to see it.)

SPAIN is not historically famous for its kindness to animals.

While most Spaniards today love animals, there are still pockets of the country where strange and sickening rituals see our furry friends suffer torturous treatment or death – just for the fun of it.

Every year, Spain’s bull running traditions receive international condemnation, and support for the blood sport among its citizens is declining.

But an estimated 60,000 animals die horrific and lingering deaths every year in Spain as part of tradition fiestas – a shameful toll of torture.

Below we have rounded up seven of the country’s most sickening practices which must be stopped.

Burning the bull

The Burning Bull festival sees a bull’s horns set a alight before it is made to run through the streets in a frenzied panic.

VIDEO: On social media ignited the public’s imagination

A petition calling to ban the event, which runs in Foios, Valencia, each year, has garnered more than 180,000 signatures.

It comes after video of a bull at last year’s event showed it running into a post and dying immediately upon impact.

The blood sport dates back 400 years and locals say it is an intrinsic part of their culture.

Burro baiting

The Pero Palo festival in Villanueva de la Vera, western Spain, sees a donkey dragged through the streets as locals chant and attack the animal with fireworks, cowbells and sharp objects.

The donkey is then locked in a shed, if it has not died from exhaustion or from its injuries.

The event is said to reenact the arrest of a town rapist who was caught and paraded through the streets on a donkey before he was stoned to death.

Rape of the Beasts

HORSES: Subject to horrific abuse while being paraded through the streets

The Rapa das Bestas festival is a 400-year-old tradition in Galicia that is described as ‘terrorising horses’. On one summer afternoon, locals chase herds of wild horses into village streets. The horses are wrestled by weekend warriors who clip their manes and tails before branding them.

Garrotting the galgos

At the end of each hare hunting season, hunting dogs or galgos are found hanging from trees or stuck to fence posts.

DOG: Being hung from a tree as part of ‘tradition’

Thousands are thought to be bred and murdered each year. There have been reports of some dogs being stoned to death or set on fire.

Quail catapulting

Every year in Valencia, week- old baby quail are gathered to be launched from a specially-made bird-cannon.

After being fired into the air they are blown to pieces by locals wielding shotguns.

The primitive form of clay-pigeon shooting is, thankfully, waning in popularity but still manages to draw crowds.

Decapitating geese

For 350 years, residents in Lekeito have been decapitating a live goose to celebrate their patron saint.

PULLING: The head off a goose used to be done while they were still alive

A rope is strung across the harbour and a live goose is hung upside down by its feet from it.

Boats then pass underneath it as locals try to rip off its head.

Following animal rights’ outrage, the bird is now killed before it is strung up.

Goat tossing

Although prohibited since 2002, locals have been threatened with €15,000 fines for trying to defy the ban in recent years.

GOAT: Being thrown out of a tower

On the fourth Sunday, every January, young men in Manganeses de la Polyorosa would throw a live goat from a bell tower.

A crowd below would then try to catch the goat with a sheet.

If the goat survived it would be drowned in a fountain.

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Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 2:35pm


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Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 2:35pm

There we go - MUCH better - not picking on each other now 😁  but NannieH - if you are going to slag me off, please at least make sure you are slagging me off for the right thing.  I was talking about Kosher. Not Halaal.  Makes it look as though you haven’t actually read the post otherwise ...

and both of you - if you don’t like what I say ... then exit the topic.  Nobodies forcing you to reply

But anyway, broad shoulders here, and your criticisms and slights roll off like water off a ducks back, so please by all means keep firing away.  I find it amusing.  so long as no one is sniping at each other, and spreading senseless conspiracy theories, I’m happy

Blessed be all. )0(

PS - I know absolutely NOTHING about the faith of Islam, (nor Halaal food).  Except that they are people, just like me.

Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 3:17pm


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Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 3:17pm

I was not replying to you!!!!!! I was talking about your incorrect comments....but I was not replying to you....Why do you think you are the centre of attention? Lonely person complex? Please re read comments without the 'I am the only person who matters' glasses on....LOL.....May your horned God go with you......

Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 3:21pm


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Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 3:21pm

NannieH wrote on Tue Apr 7, 2020 2:22pm:

Well there is one thing ! can agree with you on L181SKY....that Dario says he knows about Halal meat.....when what you state is correct...(he even had the nerve to say 'he was certain that I did not know what...



... it was'.!)...There have been a couple of successful prosecutions in the UK for goats having their throats slit in back yards while being blessed over, barbaric under any religion .....He also goes on to ''spread the fear'' that the Fox Hunting ban of 2004 has been overturned!!!!! What is drag hunting that is still legal.....BUT of course as in all Countries people will try to break the law.....In this case the master of the hunt 'temporarily' looses control of the hounds, so they chase and kill a fox, there have been cases successfully brought against these I have said before there is still badger baiting and hare coursing....although that has been banned for years. Education is the key.  I am told by him that I can not have an opinion or view...''You’ve never actually witnessed it yourself .... it’s anecdotal - but unless you can say for 100% certain that you have witnessed this yourself'' is what he says.....????? So maybe there is no such think as Corona as I have not seen someone with it? Such rubbish he spouts....(Maybe he is lonely and by himself? Just a thought!).... Just so you can see what cruelty is occurring in Spain, as well as the horrific cruelty in China;  Education Education Education.  I do still believe though that the poor regions in China are going to need finance as well as Education........People in glass houses should NOT throw stones at China....But neither should we live with it and accept it.   I think what really gets to me about Darios posts it the vitriol he speaks and then blesses me at the end....Hypocritical.

I have posted a list of cruel Spanish practises which are occurring now.I have removed the horrific pictures. (No Dario I have not witnessed them....but we all know that bullfighting exists even if we do not wish to see it.)

SPAIN is not historically famous for its kindness to animals.

While most Spaniards today love animals, there are still pockets of the country where strange and sickening rituals see our furry friends suffer torturous treatment or death – just for the fun of it.

Every year, Spain’s bull running traditions receive international condemnation, and support for the blood sport among its citizens is declining.

But an estimated 60,000 animals die horrific and lingering deaths every year in Spain as part of tradition fiestas – a shameful toll of torture.

Below we have rounded up seven of the country’s most sickening practices which must be stopped.

Burning the bull

The Burning Bull festival sees a bull’s horns set a alight before it is made to run through the streets in a frenzied panic.

VIDEO: On social media ignited the public’s imagination

A petition calling to ban the event, which runs in Foios, Valencia, each year, has garnered more than 180,000 signatures.

It comes after video of a bull at last year’s event showed it running into a post and dying immediately upon impact.

The blood sport dates back 400 years and locals say it is an intrinsic part of their culture.

Burro baiting

The Pero Palo festival in Villanueva de la Vera, western Spain, sees a donkey dragged through the streets as locals chant and attack the animal with fireworks, cowbells and sharp objects.

The donkey is then locked in a shed, if it has not died from exhaustion or from its injuries.

The event is said to reenact the arrest of a town rapist who was caught and paraded through the streets on a donkey before he was stoned to death.

Rape of the Beasts

HORSES: Subject to horrific abuse while being paraded through the streets

The Rapa das Bestas festival is a 400-year-old tradition in Galicia that is described as ‘terrorising horses’. On one summer afternoon, locals chase herds of wild horses into village streets. The horses are wrestled by weekend warriors who clip their manes and tails before branding them.

Garrotting the galgos

At the end of each hare hunting season, hunting dogs or galgos are found hanging from trees or stuck to fence posts.

DOG: Being hung from a tree as part of ‘tradition’

Thousands are thought to be bred and murdered each year. There have been reports of some dogs being stoned to death or set on fire.

Quail catapulting

Every year in Valencia, week- old baby quail are gathered to be launched from a specially-made bird-cannon.

After being fired into the air they are blown to pieces by locals wielding shotguns.

The primitive form of clay-pigeon shooting is, thankfully, waning in popularity but still manages to draw crowds.

Decapitating geese

For 350 years, residents in Lekeito have been decapitating a live goose to celebrate their patron saint.

PULLING: The head off a goose used to be done while they were still alive

A rope is strung across the harbour and a live goose is hung upside down by its feet from it.

Boats then pass underneath it as locals try to rip off its head.

Following animal rights’ outrage, the bird is now killed before it is strung up.

Goat tossing

Although prohibited since 2002, locals have been threatened with €15,000 fines for trying to defy the ban in recent years.

GOAT: Being thrown out of a tower

On the fourth Sunday, every January, young men in Manganeses de la Polyorosa would throw a live goat from a bell tower.

A crowd below would then try to catch the goat with a sheet.

If the goat survived it would be drowned in a fountain.

Well written.  NannieH . I am so upset at the things you describe that happen here.  I had no idea , I could understand the poverty side of the Spanish culture as in, they don’t bother with animals like dogs and cats as I suppose it would have been difficult enough to feed themselves at one time let along animals.    But it’s sickening that any human would have no empathy for any creature. It is down to Education you are correct of course and thank goodness the younger ones may be more civilised.   Btw my hubby hates the thought of killing anything and actually regrets making his livelihood that way. Selling meat .  You are completely right .  We live out in the country and our neighbours are farmers. I get sick of watching newborn lambs,( born too early, just to sell asap)  money again,  hiding behind fence posts out of the wind and rain, farmers say sheep are stupid. No shelter given even by hedgerows. 🥺😡.      Let Dario spout his rubbish to his hearts content.  It gives him something to do.   He misquotes, so, not that intelligent . Never replies properly,so not actually having a conversation anyway lol.   and the person who said Let it go, well,  he’s not getting at them and labelling them wrongly.     Let it go, let it go, ,,,   Did you sing that there 😎😎😎.    My husband always says,    All Spain’s got is Sunshine and heat.  I think He’s right. I could be wrong though lol. Have a lovely day , things will change, I’m sure. Bit by bit. 🙏🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 3:25pm


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Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 3:25pm

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Oh don't worry.....Dario will be along in a moment, with facts/ figures....and how to cure it as well I expect...LOL....He is very lonely and likes to spout from his tree of no knowledge.....Stay safe... 

Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 3:26pm


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Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 3:26pm

L181SKY wrote on Tue Apr 7, 2020 3:21pm:

Well written.  NannieH . I am so upset at the things you describe that happen here.  I had no idea , I could understand the poverty side of the Spanish culture as in, they don’t bother with animals like dogs and cats as I suppose it would have been difficult enough to feed themselves ...


Read more... one time let along animals.    But it’s sickening that any human would have no empathy for any creature. It is down to Education you are correct of course and thank goodness the younger ones may be more civilised.   Btw my hubby hates the thought of killing anything and actually regrets making his livelihood that way. Selling meat .  You are completely right .  We live out in the country and our neighbours are farmers. I get sick of watching newborn lambs,( born too early, just to sell asap)  money again,  hiding behind fence posts out of the wind and rain, farmers say sheep are stupid. No shelter given even by hedgerows. 🥺😡.      Let Dario spout his rubbish to his hearts content.  It gives him something to do.   He misquotes, so, not that intelligent . Never replies properly,so not actually having a conversation anyway lol.   and the person who said Let it go, well,  he’s not getting at them and labelling them wrongly.     Let it go, let it go, ,,,   Did you sing that there 😎😎😎.    My husband always says,    All Spain’s got is Sunshine and heat.  I think He’s right. I could be wrong though lol. Have a lovely day , things will change, I’m sure. Bit by bit. 🙏🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

I do think he is lonely nearly 1500 posts in 2 and a half years....Take care and stay safe.....

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