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Visiting the UK after Brexit

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:23pm
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Visiting the UK after Brexit

What you'll need to do to visit the UK after the UK leaves the EU, including whether you'll need to apply for a visa.

Last updated 25 March 2019

What you’ll need to enter the UK

If the UK leaves the EU with a deal, what you’ll need to enter the UK will not change until 2021.

If the UK leaves the EU without a deal

You’ll be able to enter the UK without a visa if you’re a citizen of a EU or EEA country, or Switzerland. You’ll be able to work or study while you’re here. The government is proposing to end free movement, but this is still subject to approval by Parliament. Once free movement has ended, if you’re a citizen of any other EU or EEA country, or Switzerland, you’ll still be able to enter the UK without a visa, for up to 3 months. You can still enter the UK using a passport which expires in less than 6 months.

Driving in the UK

If you have a non-UK licence

How you can drive in the UK will not change after Brexit.

If your vehicle is not insured in the UK

You’ll need to carry an insurance ‘green card’ if ALL of the following apply:

  • your vehicle is insured in an EU or EEA country
  • AND the UK leaves the EU without a deal
  • AND the UK leaves the EU with no agreement in place on driving without a green card

Check back here for updates on whether there’s an agreement on driving without a green card.

If your vehicle is insured in a country that’s NOT in the EU or EEA, what you’ll need to do will depend on if your country is a member of the green card system. If your country is a member, you’ll need to carry a green card. If your country is not a member, your vehicle will need UK vehicle insurance.

Bringing your pet to and from the UK

The rules for taking pets from the UK to EU countries will change if the UK leaves the EU with no deal. Your pet may need to have a blood test to prove it has been effectively vaccinated against rabies.

There will not be any changes to how you bring pets to the UK from the EU.

Using your mobile phone in the UK

You’ll pay the same for calls, texts and mobile data in the UK and the EU if both of the following apply:

  • the UK leaves the EU with a deal
  • you have a SIM card issued by a mobile phone network from an EU or EEA country

If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, or you have a SIM card issued by a mobile phone network outside the EU, how much you’ll pay will depend on your mobile network.

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