Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:00am
What a lot of tosh! Has nothing to do with us here in Almeria but maybe you are a British pensioner who now misses that annual pensioner heating allowance? We don’t get it here.
Before too many ‘Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells’ rush to say how appalled they are at losing a benefit that usually approximates to £4 a week, think back to 2010!
In 2010 the Tory-LibDem coalition on coming into power decided to increase full-time student tuition fees in England from £3,290 to £9,000 per year, basically they tripled them. I don’t recall a large number of pensioners complaining at the time? I did, but I was not then a pensioner.
Cameron and Clegg said they had to do this as there was insufficient public funding to support higher education. Rather a bigger issue than nowadays reducing £200 annual WFA payments to pensioners.
Before that 2010 election it was clear the Conservatives favoured a fee level higher than the £3k fee cap that existed, Labour were split in a number of directions (higher fees, a fee freeze, a graduate tax or abolition of fees altogether). The Liberal Democrats were united, with a policy of scrapping tuition fees. But changed their mind, on getting into power.
Every govt has to decide on its priorities. Maybe give this one more than 2 months grace, after the shambles of the last 14 years?