Helping a friend in need
Hi, my friend Michael Hunt and his wife Jill live at Retamar 4, Partaloa 04810 .
Jill and Michael moved to Spain from the UK , Jill has not achieved Spanish settled status and is dying from cancer.
She is not able to eat and needs care in her final days , unfortunately Michael is unable to get medical care.
Jill had a scan last week, having recently completed chemotherapy and was told that the cancer has spread with only weeks to live.
Michael is desperate to find some way to get help in Jill's final days and help with some task around the house including an initial one to bring wood from the road into the house.
Michael's number is 0044 07555 312877
I hope there is someone who receives this message that can give Michael and Jill some direction as to where to get medical help and if course some support.