Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 12:06pm
Hi. How well do you know the area? We built our house in 2002. It’s so easy to fall in love with a house. My best advice and so many people will agree, is rent first. Rent in the countryside and feel it for yourselves. Do lots and lots of homework . Look at all areas take your time, it’s easy to buy not so easy to sell. We are in a beautiful place in Serena, in the campo, not a farming area.Almond trees only. We have a goat man in the next village about three kilometres away ,and he walks past our house most days. That’s quaint but doesn’t cause us any problem . We don’t have a fly problem, if you see a “Fly free zone” with a house, don’t buy it. I’ve heard of people struggling getting from their cars to their “fly free zone” Your retirement place , My hubby had a heart attack, he was 64 ,I got such a shock, made us think about moving closer to a hospital, knee jerk maybe but till it happens you just don’t think it’s important . We like Huercal Overa anyway but lots of “Farms” around. We only do the 90 days at a time . Think about if that happened to you, at three in the morning, would an ambulance even find you. Beautiful houses when the sun is shining, go at 1 am This is only my advice. Pm me if there is anything you think I can help with.